October 4, 2019 @ 12:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Goldring/Woldenberg Business Complex Marshall Commons
The 2019 Tulane Fall Career Fair is scheduled for Friday, October 4 on the Uptown campus of Tulane University in New Orleans, LA.
THIS ALL CAMPUS CAREER FAIR IS OPEN TO ALL STUDENTS IN ALL MAJORS with a focus on meeting company representatives and other who are recruiting for internships, full-time jobs and post-graduate opportunities. Unlike other career expos in the past, we want to place the relationship building process as the central theme to the event. What does this mean? Great question!
Companies won’t be hidden behind a long rectangle table with the traditional fold-out table display and lots of giveaways.
This year, we are limiting company space to a tall cocktail style table which places more emphasis on companies meeting students and students engaging in meaningful career conversations with companies.